Anonymous ID: 43edfb March 24, 2019, 8:06 a.m. No.5862744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2760

Twitter Clowns Stacey Dash For Apparently Not Getting Invited To ‘Clueless’ Cast Reunion


Stacey Dash, the actress who has become a faithful Donald Trump supporter and conservative commentator, was the focus of jokes and scorn on social media because she apparently was not invited to a cast reunion of the movie “Clueless.”


The Chicago Tribune reported that “a sea of fans” filled a 2,800-seat hall on Saturday for the reunion of the iconic 1995 film at the city’s annual C2E2 comic con. There were two notable absences from the cast: Brittany Murphy, who died in 2009, and Dash.

“They kept it light, jocular. Murphy came up once, Dash not at all,” the newspaper said.


These days, Dash is better known for her conservative political views. She endeared herself to Republicans during the 2012 presidential election when she endorsed GOP candidate Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama. Dash said she had voted for the nation’s first Black president in 2008.

“Vote for Romney. The only choice for your future,” she tweeted in 2012. Two years later, she became a commentator on Fox News.


In 2018, she filed paperwork to run for a Southern California congressional seat in a district that is heavily Democratic, as well as heavily Latino and Black. However, she decided to back out of the race one month later.

During her campaign, she created more waves by supporting President Trump’s defense of white supremacists.

While on MSNBC, she was asked about Trump’s vile comments about the violent 2017 neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, when he infamously sympathized with Nazis by saying, “I do think there’s blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there’s blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it.”


Trump was comparing the counter-protesters to Nazis who were screaming, “Blood and soil,” which is a Nazi Germany reference. Trump also said, “You have some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides.”

Dash told MSNBC’s Ari Melber that she agreed with Trump, “I think he’s absolutely right, there were two extreme sides.”

Melber then asked, “When he said there are ‘good people on both sides,’ good people at the white supremacist rally, do you cosign that?”


Dash decided to evoke God, “I’m not here to judge. The only one who can judge is God.”

Anonymous ID: 43edfb March 24, 2019, 8:49 a.m. No.5863270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3335

#CycloneIdai: Fighting disease new challenge as death toll tops 750


Beira, Mozambique — Cyclone Idai's death toll has risen above 750 in the three southern African countries hit 10 days ago by the storm, as workers restore electricity, water and try to prevent the outbreak of cholera, authorities said Sunday.


In Mozambique, the number of dead has risen to 446 while there are 259 dead in Zimbabwe and at least 56 dead in Malawi for a three-nation total of 761.

All numbers for deaths are still preliminary, warned Mozambique's Environment Minister Celso Correia. As flood waters recede and more bodies are discovered, the final death toll in Mozambique alone could be above the early estimate of 1,000 made by the country's president a few days after the cyclone hit, said aid workers.


Nearly 110,000 people are now in camps more than a week after Cyclone Idai hit, said Correia, the government's emergency coordinator. As efforts to rescue people trapped by the floods wind down, aid workers across the vast region are bracing for the spread of disease.

"We'll have cholera for sure," Correia said at a press briefing, saying a centre to respond to cholera has been set up in Beira though no cases have yet been confirmed.


Beira is working to return basic services, he said. Electricity has been restored to water pumping and treatment stations by the government water agency, so Beira and the nearby city of Dondo are getting clean water, he said. Electricity has been restored to part of Beira and the port and railway line have re-opened, he said.


Repairs and bypasses are being built to the main road, EN6, which links Beira to the rest of Mozambique and the road should open Monday, said Correia. The restored road connection will allow larger deliveries of food, medicines and other essential supplies to be to be brought to Beira and to flooded areas like Nhamatanda, west of the city.


"People are already going," the environment minister said of the newly accessible road.


Malaria is another looming health problem that the minister said was "unavoidable" because large expanses of standing water encourage the spread of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

Asked about his country's current corruption scandal and whether the diversion of money has hurt the rescue efforts, Correia bristled, saying the government's focus now is on saving lives.


"We are doing everything to fight corruption," he said. "It's systematic, up to the top," he said of the anti-graft drive.


Two large field hospitals and water purification systems were on the way, joining a wide-ranging effort that includes drones to scout out areas in need across the landscape of central Mozambique, said Sebastian Rhodes Stampa, deputy director of the U.N. Humanitarian operation.


The scale of the devastation is "extraordinary" not only because of the cyclone and flooding but because the land had already had been saturated by earlier rains, he said.


A huge number of aid assets are now in Mozambique, Stampa said: "No government in the world can respond alone in these circumstances."