notable 2nd Parkland shooting surver commits "suicide" this weekend.
two parkland shooting survivors in one weekend. If you don't think that is weird you might just be slightly retarded
so you think it's calculated but you don't think it's notable. Yes, I think there is a whiff of retardation there.
Kek. I said another anon was slightly retarded and you replied defensively. It's only natural for me to assume you were said anon. Unless you done an ip hop. I am now fully convinced you are retarded either way. Good day.
Why you even jumping into another person's discussion? I never even spoke to you yet you jump right in. I couldn't give a fuck if you wrote Homer's Odyssey bud.
Of course we are and of course it is anon.
Gimme peace and I'll return the favor.
>I'm still curious as to why you would ask if I thought you were retarded? That's pretty weird imho.