Anonymous ID: 1e07a5 March 24, 2019, 9:16 a.m. No.5863590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3733 >>3759


>Why are so many on here racists?


>Complain about specifics in their character, sure, but so many "Jew" attacks is just plain wrong and divisive.


Perhaps you should peruse the content here


and attempt to reconcile the facts presented.


Also, fucking KYS.

Anonymous ID: 1e07a5 March 24, 2019, 9:19 a.m. No.5863619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3669


>My thesis is that there is the potential that these "therapists" are using hypnosis to train their patients to be shooters. Likely it is the fact that pharma drugs help put patients into a hypnotic state is why the drugs are used!!!


Please go research MK Ultra for a couple days, and then come back here.


Don't post anything else until you've done this.


Alternately, fucking KYS.

Anonymous ID: 1e07a5 March 24, 2019, 9:23 a.m. No.5863680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Do NOT look here → worldwide cabal, ruling families, Freemasons, other masonic orders, Killary+Hussein+Administration, China ,SA, Iran, global terrorism, thinktanks, political advisers, actors, musicians, judges, doctors, fake news reporters, …


These are 80-90% Jews, and Shabbos Goyim make up the rest.



Anonymous ID: 1e07a5 March 24, 2019, 9:26 a.m. No.5863727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3743 >>3960


>Q Post 3173


>Children used as shields (manufactured crimes of perjury)?




>Fare at whom? Will? William? Bill? Bill who?


>Fire, not aim, not ready-aim-fire? What is will? Human agency. Autonomy - think for yourself. Free will. Fire at this?


>Open fire, terms of engagement, target rich environment? (What did NZ shooter say in vid about targets?) (Did shooter arrive after accomplices? Was his job to mop-up – set ablaze, set fire to?)












>The "Immortal crawl"?








>Note the NZ connection.


>In Māori mythology, as in other Polynesian traditions, Māui is a culture hero and a trickster, famous for his exploits and cleverness.


>His last trick, which led to his death, involved the Goddess Hine-nui-te-pō. While attempting to make mankind immortal by changing into a worm, Māui entered her vagina, intent on leaving through her mouth while she slept. He was, however, crushed by the obsidian teeth in her vagina.


>Hine-Titama began to wonder who her father was. Finally when she did find out that Tāne was her father she was disgusted and ashamed of who she was, she committed suicide and became goddess of the underworld. This was the first instance of suicide inside of Māori mythology.


>The Origin Myth


>The offspring of Tū (humankind) increased and multiplied and did not know death until the generation of Māui-tikitiki.


>Māui is the son of Taranga, the wife of Makeatutara. He has a miraculous birth – his mother threw her premature infant into the sea wrapped in a tress of hair from her topknot (tikitiki) – hence Māui is known as Māui-tikitiki-a-Taranga. Ocean spirits find and wrap the child in seaweed. His divine ancestor, Tama-nui-te-rā (or Rangi) then takes the child and nourishes him to adolescence.


>Note the abortion connection. Note the destruction of young life. Note the survival aspects of the story.


Holy crap, that is one fucked-up creation myth.