Anonymous ID: 6cef2b March 24, 2019, 9:30 a.m. No.5863804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4113

>>5859942 (pb)

>>5860066 (pb)

>>5860150 (pb)

>>5860173 (pb)



had to flop. exhausted. okay so


the first I see 40,000ft though is of course


the road to devil's mountain from ET [in the ELA pic I did ET shows up at the bottom in a way he really doesn't in the regular picture, thus confirming?]

a mushroom cloud the blast point is the top

of the head-dress of an oriental-looking man

on a throne or taking a dump / the vanishing point (quite). It also appears to be a re-presentation of a native American totem pole (or what I am supposed to think is one); there are faces both human and animal, at least one hawk or eagle or owl (depending on how you choose to de-limit the space) I suppose.


no idea where the original came from. or what the point is. perhaps its just another mcguffin.


i suppose if i was going to try a totemistic(?) emblematic (Alciato, Quarles) approach I might ask:


does the composer WANT me to think of the obvious or not? do they want me to think of Dreyfus affair actors in ET that also did some chumming off a certain EYEsland (I love Narraganset Quint and we do need a bigger boat) how do you make the hunter come to you you let him hunt you if you have the courage to be the prey, devils, "mountain" oo-er missus, e.t.-mason hand signals and musical [lucifer-pan] code n tones, mussorgsky, night on a bare mountain witches Salem-HRC (cheat'em n rat) kiev gate Kirch strait the jq always Q haplogroup Y-head stuff other Y groups Ukraine UK Khazaria with Chinese hintings man?


ayyy tone!


cheat'em n rat q trip decodes this stuff is making me crazy


keep running


in the ELA adjusted picture you can see if you choose to (aside from the obvious) a crucifixion scene, mirrored and distorted (the lower reflection) with man (Comey) looking on and the doubling and mirroring indicative of mans response to the cross (left and right goats and sheep) and gives a horizontal mirroring to the vertical mirroring of the Crucifixion thereby forming another "cross" but this one inverted (Comey is standing on the hands of the inverted cross, so if you flipped the picture upside down Comey is now hanging upside down like the hanging man lol from the cross beams where the hands would be nailed in if you see what I mean).


If you look at the top (unreflected, original, whatever you call it) corpus on the cross, you can see the five wounds of Christ hinted at - the hands are obvious, you can see where the feet would be, one can imagine the dark outline of the face caused by the crown of thorns and the dark blotches in the center are meant to suggest the after death spear / lance and thus the composer is expecting me to think of the bloods and water and thus the mirrored scene / road below also does duty suggesting the outflow of grace to the whole world first to the House of Israel (see the house) then to the rest of the world and there is Comey / Adam with his free will yes or no so I guess at the moment of Jesus' death a BOMB did go off BOOM!


????? All in my mind. INFJ nightmare.


QTRIP Patriots Fight!

!2jsTvXXmXs = 33117 = 6 (Pangkal Pinang, Indonesia) [Obama / $$$ / Boeing / LION!!! Air plane crashes / Rothschilds also see MH370/ Patent theft / HRC cheatem n rat QRS]


I don't understand this below.

>>5860175 (pb)

>>5860186 (pb)

what was the message supposed to be sent, and to whom?

what is this MEANT to communicate? WHO is the target?

what DOES it communicate? Confused.

Anonymous ID: 6cef2b March 24, 2019, 9:56 a.m. No.5864113   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do not know for sure who LITERALLY pen-ned Leviticus in the post-DR 66-book KJV but that person left a sign as big Sarah Silverman's fat old butt pointing to a Welsh plan to exterminate the entire Catholic Plantagenet line in revenge for Longshanks interference in a love match AND the ending of Welsh rule in Wales.


A verse in Leviticus which is NOT in the D-R and in no way is a translation of anything but is a 100% insertion takes you DIRECTLY to Henry VI, 3,3,2.


66 to 6, 332?




If you put Richard's words as he curses into the mouth of a certain Tudor ancestor it makes perfect sense. the location matches the peninsula where Beaumaris is located and if you look out you look across the waters….


Edward I built Beamaris 7 miles from the alleged ancestral village of the WELSH Tudors.


Well, they did finish them off, all the way into the 16th century they pursued them all.


And to make sure no one misunderstood their kith and kin and loyalists were the men that LITERALLY forced a welsh language version of the 66 books into every parish and every chapel and every church in wales…when resistance to this forced conversion was met it was resolved by…the Archbishop of Canterbury siding with Welsh friends of the ruling Tudors!


Francis Tudor Bacon? A white sheep? Again with his codes and ciphers? They're all in on this from John Donne to the Sidneys. Who would have had control of the text in Leviticus AND Henry VI?