Trust the plan
What is the common theme when potus does unethical shit that benefits israel
Or mega corps
Thanks for the golan heights donald we really appreciate it
Lmao you retards should be out in the streets lynching and you sit here on this board trusting the plan
Youre right anon
The plan is to play us all against each other
And keep us in the hopium matrix so we dont realize that we need to lynch the elite
Deport all their negro and spic slaves that are literally cattle at this point
And start america over
Thats the only point of posting on this board anon
Or being a Q lemming
Daily reminder potus is totally cool with your kids taking estrogen and taking it in the ass from black men who will fuck anything
>>>5864387 (You)
>you spelled demorcrats wrong.
No i didnt
Not like theres a single difference between the kikeotus and nancy pelosi lmao
Trust the plan
Potus apparantly cant do anything cuz his hands are tied but he has plenty of time to take your guns and suck off israel