Anonymous ID: b02b60 March 24, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.5866554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6683 >>7230

Anon just returning from a week-long trip to DC. Some reflections on my trip trip to our nation’s Capitol:

  1. We are a nation truly blessed by our Creator, Who has gifted us with a beautiful Republic.

  2. Somewhere along the way, our Representatives somehow became our Leaders, and the entire idea of a nation “of the people and for the people” has been flipped on its head.

  3. Our “leaders” now hide themselves in bunkers guarded by centurions armed with weapons and metal detectors, meanwhile chipping away at citizens’ access and liberty day by day from their palaces on high.

  4. Citizens and visitors alike will stand in line for hours in inclement weather to get a glimpse of this wonderful American experiment.

  5. Like the Tomb of the Unknowns, our nation is guarded and guaranteed, not by political leaders and news pundits, but by men and women in uniform sworn to protect and defend what God has graced us with.

  6. While staring at the Tomb guard, I was drawn not to his uniform, or the guard himself, but rather the reminders left on the marble slab upon which he was marching, those indelible tracks of the footprints of others who came before him, etched into the ground forever (pix related).