Anonymous ID: 0a86d6 March 24, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.5869556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9618 >>9651 >>9669 >>9696 >>9776 >>9777 >>9793 >>9815 >>9852 >>9856 >>9937 >>9944 >>9956 >>9961 >>0071 >>0075 >>0108 >>0113 >>0114 >>0119 >>0159 >>0211 >>0261 >>0364

Middle Eastern Anon,



I must admit today, i got me another blow from Potus. It was terribly disapointing.



When he won and became president, we had so much high hopes in him for being a rightous man, for being a man who does the right thing. I was wrong.



It turned Potus and his administration are no different from the Cabal monsters that ruined our lives and our lands over here. Potus I thought you knew better.



When you send guys to the region, don't you understand that you are in a sovereign country? We are not your Valet. We are not your servants. We don't obey to you when you move the tip of your finger. You and your guys are no superior to us, we were all born under the same sky. When Q says WWG1WGA, that is correct, but you left out a bunch of poeple whom you don't seem to consider as human beings. Everyone has been treated as humans apart middle eastern people. This is Cabal work. This is how the Cabal always treated other human beings. I don't understand why you treat us exactly the way you do.



A minister of yours visits my country and the entire area gets off….. I understand it's security reasons, but in the same time because of you MANY went through a very harsh time to get home, a simple thing but it turned our daily lives to hell. You have no consideration for the local people. . Try to do that int the States and there will be an uproar, but it's alright to do that here.



I'm a christian living in a mixed land but I've grown to see Cabal along with the Jews decimate us, wipe us out from this region. I thought you were better, I thought you KNEW better. We want peace, we want to live happy and free. We don't want to be persectured, our heads chopped off, our women raped and our kids kidnaped. We don't want to emigrate, we don't want to leave our land. we love our country. We want to live here, see our kids grow and become old with our wives. we want to go to church freely without being terrorised and persecuted. When you started taking down the Cabal, we were happy, we supported you, and a lot of us are in here digging and fighting back, standing shoulder to shoulder with other nations to uproot this EVIL that destroyed a lot of lives.



But what are youn doing to us? Moving the embassy to Jerusalem was terribly hard to accept, nonetheless we decided to give you space and time, we thought there was a plan to bring peace to the region, a FAIR and EQUAL PEACE.



Now, you want to give a land that is not YOURS to give in the first place to the one whom's been violating our lives, our land and our rights. Neither you or congress has the right to give the land of others to Israel. You know more than I do Israel is the creation of the Rothschilds, and yet when it comes to the way you treat us, you treat us exactly as the Rothschilds and Cabal treated us = we are not garbage, we are not roaches, we are not worms. We are FREE living beings whom believe in God, we love our country and we don't want any more bloodshed. But yet, you are voilating our land and our rights by giving it to others. It's OUR LAND.



Enough blood has been spilled already. By tipping the scale of the ones violating the entire region is going to cause a lot more damage and harm to the locals. I thought you were fair and just. We want peace, but a fair and equal peace. We don't want a peace that is heavily tipped to one side and one side only. You have no right to decide what sovereign country do or don't do with their land. Your job was to bring the 2 parties to the negociation table, and urge them to solve the issues. It's not your job to give the land of others to Isreal.



Congrats, Potus and Q, being declaring the Golan heights Israel's you became just like the CABAL. You lost the support of the people in the region whom were fighting along side other anons.



WWG1WGA, except of Middle Eastern people, they are garbage. That is your message. It's a shame. You treated us no differently than the Cabal.

Anonymous ID: 0a86d6 March 24, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.5869706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741 >>9781 >>9851 >>9860



Do you have any ideas how much we suffered here? We know fully well it was the Cabal. But Potus has no right what so ever to give the Golan to Israel and he has no right to treat us like insects here.


Israel governemt are nothing but mosnters. MONSTERS. They even hold their own citizens hostage. The lies that has been told for millenials about Israel are mind blowing. And yet, they are still put above everyone else. Even if it's bluff from Potus. What do you think such a move from his is going to do to the civilians living here. Another Christian massacre might take place just by GIVING the Golan to Israel. A land that is not his to give in the first place. So while you live safely in the States, we live under the constant treath of being either wiped out by muslims or Jews. Both are one and the same. They are brothers.

Anonymous ID: 0a86d6 March 24, 2019, 3:08 p.m. No.5869744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9791 >>9795 >>9995




Fuck off both of you. While you live your stupid lives, We are being slaughtered each and every single day for simply being christians. Be human for once in your life and try to understand the suffering of others. But of course you don't care. It's not you doing the suffereing. So go and put your heads in your asses because this is how you've been living for a long time.

Anonymous ID: 0a86d6 March 24, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.5870105   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I'm truly shocked to see how much you've been lied to anons. Do you support the border wall Potus is building? I bet yes. but why is he building it? He is building it to stop the over take of your country by illegals. He is doing the right thing.


But why is it alright for you to violate the land of others?


The wars of the 60s and 70s were all ingeneered by the Cabal in order to give the public opinion in favor of Israel to take away the land of it's neighbors. The same thing as 9/11. They did the horrible stuff to get into Afghanistan and take over the poppy fields. Israel was in on it both wars and 9/11. It was a set up to invade fertile land and land rich with oil.