Anonymous ID: c488c3 March 24, 2019, 3:19 p.m. No.5869955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0045



There are already lawsuits out there about this.

Methinks they are trying to head off a big one

by claiming that the "Russians" hacked Democrats and the DNC

and then gave the files to wikileaks


this stands out to me as a protection for the gov

to head off lawsuits over falsified evidence

but methinks it will be disproven nevertheless


we already have evidence

that the files from the DNC could not have been hacked over the internet

and could only have been downloaded locally


Russia may even sue

because it has been used as a premise to harass them

and will affect their own safety and economy


big shit for the gov

but it would be costly for ALL OF US