Anonymous ID: 7067cd Big Tech Already Told Us Their Plan March 24, 2019, 4:09 p.m. No.5870876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0911

Big Tech Already Told Us Their Plan. This Ted Talk brazenly lays it out. To paraphrase: "Just let us have complete control over your lives and you'll be super-human. Trust us. It's for your own good." Big Tech pays this guy to sell this idea! But listen critically. It is a very scary story.

"A handful of people working at a handful of tech companies steer the thoughts of billions of people every day, says design thinker Tristan Harris…"


AI and machine learning are used to manipulate populations through social media and other "screen time" activities. Social media algorithms do what they are meant do: they sort. The algo's sort people, driving populations into factions. They can then radicalize those factions by rewarding them with an assembly of like minded people that reassures each other how righteous they are, and by inference or outright accusation espouse how evil the others are. Good vs evil has been used as justification for conflict for quite some time. We have already witnessed early manifestations of this activity: attempts to tear down the symbols of other factions, 'resistance', proud boys, antifa and the tragic death of a fellow citizen in Charlottesville. Without us knowing big tech's intent in wielding their power we have been addicted to their screens, freely giving them our minds for masonry work. That is to say, in effect, our minds are being molded into uniform bricks for purposes of building the vision of those feeding the screens.


What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? Mind control? No, not exactly. It is more within their power to feed you a narrative - a story that you will be willing to stand behind.


The algorithms split the population into factions and then facilitates the networking the members of those factions. Then content is directed (and censored) to stoke conflict. This constant state of conflict among the masses allows the powerful to remain in power. This strategy has been around since before big tech. It worked for Longshanks to keep the clans of Scotland picking on each other instead of kicking out merry old England. In modern times it works for the cabal on a global scale; and it works for the USA's current political system. The strategy is now aided greatly and highly accelerated by AI.


The tribes we have been segregated into are so engaged in fighting each other that we are not paying attention to what those in power are doing behind the scenes of the 'narrative'. The kick-in-the-pants comes when you realize that those in power control the the narrative. In other words, they decide what you are allowed to know, and by extension what to care about.


So what is the purpose of these digital machinations? Do they believe they can use social media/networks/algo's to manage domestic/global conflict and keep it contained in what they hope is a relatively steady state but moving toward a goal (think shadow brokers)? Are they looking to eradicate ideas through censorship and politically correct culture wars a la Orwell? Or is their purpose to burn it all down for a reset? Make that a full reset - population decimated/controlled (to save the planet?), global bank, highly centralized ownership of the means of production, highly centralized control over education/indoctrination and the elimination of liberty in order for this new "enlightenment" to have complete conformity among the population? None of those sound good to the person who wants to live their own life, make some cool stuff, discover, worship, provide and die as the unique person God meant them to be.


The modern iteration of the strategy on a global scale is spelled out in The Chessboard and the Web, a book by one of HRC's senior State Dept policy people, Anne-Marie Slaughter. She's quite smart, but the concept of country evades her. The USA's place in the future, she envisions, is not a sovereign state, but rather as a broker of networked information, networked goods and services and networked diplomacy for the global good (new world commune). Her philosophy seems to be "co-exist" under the umbrella of the network administrator (new world politburo).


Conclusion: Big tech and their handlers is the modern day Nimrod, attempting to build a Tower of Babel, manipulating people to become bricks - each the same, believing the same, unable to create or live as they see fit; people are molded to fulfill a purpose among the collective and they are the raw materials from which this tower shall be built.