New day, new narrative, and everyone looks where pointed toward.
How's that raw photo coming from the speech 2 months ago? How's that Hillary video coming along? How's all the water? How's the list of billionaires "forced" to resign and live in their multiple mansions across the globe, freely? How are all those gps boots that magically weren't on anyone that were spotted in Hawaii? How's that Soros character that was locked up, until he wasn't, and was in Davos looking as Soros as ever?
How's the sky? Still lots of chemtrails here. Doesn't seem like MAGA with poison in the sky?
How's that emergency broadcast system holding up? Any day now, right?
How are those deep, long lasting effects from the memo that was going to break open everything?
Now, do the "shill, cia nigger, kek, kike, faggot" stuff you guys do when forced into critical thinking. But I'm just trying to save you time and energy. This shit is a larp.