Watching that made me think of my research into Shane Todd + the dead scientists
... Watch 5:00 - 530 in your vid....
.... Implantable Polyimide Cable for Multichannel High-Data-Rate Neural Recording Microsystems
...“To realise a fully implantable neural recording system, we are also working with other departments on the neural probe design and materials, as well as the incorporation of drug delivery capability.”
Also whilst poking around all of this I did find some interesting stuff from IME.
https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/ime/MEDIA/RESEARCH-HIGHLIGHTS
IME researchers have described the characterisation of a polyimide (PI) ribbon cable, an integral component for minimising post implantation injury in the brain. The PI cable is designed and fabricated, followed by the systematic investigation of its characteristics, electrical properties and cell behaviours. Intracellular staining tests show same level of cell growth on the PI cable and negative control, indicating that the PI cable does not result in significant acute cytotoxicity. Electrical characterisation results show that the PI cable meets the requirement for data and power transmission between intracranial and extracranial units. This study provides a fundamental first step to ensuring the safe implantation of PI cables in the human body.
Tao Sun et. al., “Implantable Polyimide Cable for Multichannel High-Data-Rate Neural Recording Microsystems," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 59, pg 390-299, 2012
https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/Portals/30/news_release/Media%20Release_IME_Biospark_1301216.pdf
“To realise a fully implantable neural recording system, we are also working with other departments on the neural probe design and materials, as well as the incorporation of drug delivery capability.”
https:// www.a-star.edu.sg/Portals/30/news_release/IME_NTU_NUS_Neuro%20IC%20Media%20Release_21%20Nov%202013.pdf
Unravelling the mind-body connection
with power-efficient IC chip
jointly developed by A*