Gosh I love you guys! Just sayin'…
https:// twitter.com/Thomas1774Paine/status/971047162191728640
Don't want to slip…but have any of you anons done a dig on Ronald McDonald system of charities? McDonald's in the choad camp in my mind and would guess associated charities would be dirty or have dirty components…
trust sessions
It is 100% a clown! ES a good guess..
So if I am reading between the lines right..
-snowden a clown and was sent to infiltrate the NSA and wikileaks
-he was VERY successful in doing both
-NSA release was devastating to NSA but helped CIA status
Snowden a hero to most so this will not be an easy pill to swallow…need a lot of crumbs here Q!!!
Every try to build a startup company? Hard as fuck and you HAVE TO HAVE investors or a really really good product…
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-Q-Tel
>http:// webtv.un.org/watch/ahrc36l.6-vote-item3-40th-meeting-36th-regular-session-human-rights-council/5592217905001/?lan=original?lan=english
Anyone speak spanish?
https:// documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/LTD/G17/276/71/PDF/G1727671.pdf?OpenElement
UN are not our buddies…
donut..well done!
Did you something think this will distract folks? You guys need a better training class..any of you take psych classes? These people are stupid…just sayin'
Did Palantir write the bullshit algorithm? Speculative on my part, but seems likely…
Also Mueller in Seychelles amid Schiff spreading some BS about a Trump team Seychelles meeting last Jan…
Good idea..lets see who owns the building…would have to be a safe or controlled situation…
These folks are all about taming a dragon that is beyond them. One fucking dangerous dragon though. Palantir and Stratfor cut from the same BS cloth…working with CERN and others to basically stave off an event that is eminent…