We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
This is the Preamble to the US Constitution. Does this look like a "more perfect union" to you? The media brainwashing, and the university brainwashing, and the pop culture brainwashing, and the food air and water poisoning have turned many of our countrymen into mindless zombies, easily riled up and once convinced of an idea, it sticks.
The plan has taken this into account, and the show is to drag them along using the media's own control system. Most people, if all the info on all these bad actors and their evil deeds ever came out, would freak out, or melt down. It would be the worst kind of shock to millions of people, a generation that needed to play with play doh after pants suits lost. Can't have that, so slowly drag the Overton window to a place where justice is popular, and everybody knows enough to want to see them arrested and tried.
So the plan is to get the dems all worked up over the report, get them demanding it, make them take votes just to get on the record, and then drop a report of all their crimes circling around the 2016 election season. BOOM. Drop the report and then Huber rounds up all the names on the list. Barr did say that he handed off evidence to other teams. I think there's Huber and a bunch of others, all digging in the same direction, and it's taking them longer than anticipated to follow all the leads. When they're done and they think they've got everybody involved, then and only then do they move to apprehend any suspects and take down the whole bunch. Or they've been quietly taking them down, but it's classified so they can't talk about it. Lots of resignations, and deaths and weird and sudden downfalls of prominent figures. Could be both I suppose, or neither for that matter. I'm just some anonymous dude on the internet and here I am second-guessing pros and military planning.
Just a theory. Not sure if there's a better place for theories.