I asked this last bread:
If in Mueller report have findings about something else, for example about HRC and BO… can Barr inform public about that? By the law?
Or he can inform only about Russian collusion/Potus? Because that was reason for investigation.
I am asking because i dont understand reason why whole report can not be shown to public.
Anons answer:
He can't disclose any info related to other, ongoing, investigations (Huber, etc.). Given what we know, there are investigations into HRC and Bo, and many others.
So no, can't be disclosed in connection with report on SC investigation into 2016 election interference.
Has to relate just to scope of the SC mandate.
This is fucking huge.
Potus won, and only thing that Barr need to do is to show whole report, and MSM and badguys will be fucked.
But because there are another investigations ongoing, only something can be shown to public.
This is some serious stuff.
FISA really goes both ways.
PANIC will increase dramatically.