Thanks for stepping up baker.
See Q!! We see this shit on a daily basis. We can handle it ALL now.
Thanx for your presence anon. Sleep well fren.
>preparing for an event like Friday's tragedy
Wow! Every. Fucking. Time.
Nice post anon. NOTABLE!
Possibly. Rather baffling to me why they would want the full disclosure after today. Stupid cant be that stupid could it?
you are right and there is a reason for it. The unfortunate thing is the deepstate may be catching on to what we are actually doing here. It appears you dont. This might help you a bit.
For those of you complaining about Q not predicting the future correctly here is a hint why. If you haven't figured it out by now. You never will.
[They] thought it was coming last Friday.
Ammunition spent.
Brilliant and yet hilarious at the same time ist it.
You think that technology exists today? juz askin.
Just trying to help. and yup my point went right past ya there. Good luck.
celebrity worship is faggot.
no seriously. People worshipping fame is how we got here in the first place. It should not be tolerated. ITs sickness in the brain fren. And it gets really fucking OLD!!
Yes it is. Who fucking cares if an actor is in here or not. They are actors. They are fake. Hollywood has destroyed our culture and you wanna give a shout out to some fucking famfag that participated in that shit? Why? It makes no sense other than Oh look we have a celeb in our board. yay wow cool awesome.
day in and day out. same shit. a celeb walks in and you drop to your knees like a female groupy.
All right then. You win
Hi james will you sign my autograph so I can take it home and show it too my friends.
Hi james! Thanx for supporting us.
Thank you so much James Woods for being part of our Qgroup. Thanks James so much we couldnt do it without you.
Fuck yea. lets just keep it goin. Anyone eles wanna give a shout out to James Woods our hero?
Sorry for your troubles fren. You have my prayers.
I give up never mind. Go on about yourself.
Blah time for bed.
Night James Woods. I pray you will be in here tomorrow. Thanx so much for being with us. We could not do this without you James Woods.
I hope so much that I dream about you James Woods. LMAO.
Night anons Im out. god bless you all. especially you famous people. May God bless the rich and famous for all eternity. LOL.