I hope the middle eastern anon who posted yesterday is still here. I read his entire post but was unable to reply at the time, having been interrupted. The sense of being treated like garbage is universal for Christians, I believe. We are told that we are the "off-scouring" of the world. In an upside down reality the best are treated like the worst. I am a Christian in the US. I have "more than the average number of children" and all I really ever wanted to do is to raise them as decent, godly people serving their community and raising godly children of their own. It is a shocking reality to see that everything in your country appears to conspire against you. No, I don't know the constant threat of physical violence, but here it has been the unleashing of the bowels of hell on our families. Our schools are indoctrination centers for philosophies that destroy our families, mock traditional morality and leave children so morally bankrupt and deceived that they no longer know what mothers and fathers are and don't even recognize normal genders. I wonder if I will ever have grandchildren or if I would want to welcome them into this evil world. At a time when I had more resources that at present, my family send a couple of thousand dollars to help "families in Syria". Now I wonder who got that money and what purpose it was used for. I am very sure that the faithful Christian remnant here is grieved over your situation and is praying for you. I know the people that, despite suffering in their own families, still have a missionary zeal for people around the world. I am sorry you receive a hostile response from an apparent anon here. It will show you what we are all up against, sadly. My answer has been in God alone and in His Son, Jesus Christ, Savior of the World. I will pray for you and the protection of your family.