msm talking point that disappeared:
"Barr's letter states that Russia interfered"
some journo assistant did the math
and realized that since Trump was cleared, this leaves only one other campaign. yuge kek
msm talking point that disappeared:
"Barr's letter states that Russia interfered"
some journo assistant did the math
and realized that since Trump was cleared, this leaves only one other campaign. yuge kek
Rosatom, and i think Roberts is dirty.
>thanks to Mueller leaving the door open for further investigations.
you guys ARE here. just dropped the red text.
the 'other investigations' are either complete or wrapping up.
like Schumer (and other dual citizens) never appeared on FOX… kek.
what enquiring minds REALLY want to know: will co-host Dershowitz help? super yuge kek
you bet. post your address or phone number. i'll get back to you.
which fruits of the spirit are you displaying, old religious guy?
better yet, post a Vannity episode without the word "anti-semite" - you can't, can you.
right, and since it wasn't the Trump campaign…
can you do 2 - 1 =? who does that leave, trigger?
Charlottesville. white supremacist. school shooting. Clinton tweets condemn.
breaking 'old's, not 'new's. even 4-6% smell this.
curled up in a fetal position in the closet
pic of the victims, from the article @ JoozNooz… Vannity will devote an entire episode… Bibi has to skip AIPAC? for this?