Anonymous ID: 64eb63 March 25, 2019, 8:08 a.m. No.5880866   🗄️.is đź”—kun

“Jews are parasites who want to exploit, control and eventually destroy their host,” Ryckaert went on to explain, “but because they are everywhere a small minority they must resort to certain strategies so as not to be identified and expelled.


First of all they do that by hiding their identity (assuming non-Jewish names, “converting” to another religion etc.) and by staying as much as possible in the background (as “adviser” of a leading figure but not as the leader himself). Secondly they project the image of themselves as harmless, powerless or even as oppressed and persecuted. Hence the stress on the Holocaust story.


This is why the Jews don’t want to be seen by the Chinese as in total control of America. China is their next host and they need to be seen as harmless.”


Well, let’s hope the Chinese are smart enough to avoid the fate of the Americans. America is now little more than a slave colony dominated by Jews. That the Americans were unable to learn from history—from the complete takeover of Germany and Russia by the Bolshevik brigade—is a sad reflection on the American character.


Didn’t they see it coming? If they did, it seems they weren’t too bothered: like the English who threw in the towel long ago and were quite happy to accept serfdom under the Jews: (a) provided it was dressed up as “democracy”, and (b) provided the loot was divided up in such a way that the gentile aristocracy were not excluded from a place at the pig’s trough.


The Brits and the Americans, you could say, were willing to make a Faustian pact with the Jews: that as long as the Jews made a certain percentage of them rich, letting them be part and parcel of the predator elite, there would be no complaints. Hollywood is a case in point, and wherever celebrities like Madonna are manufactured. Fabulous wealth is showered upon these non-Jewish degenerates as long as they serve their elite masters faithfully.


I’m not sure the Chinese will be any more successful than our Western countries in resisting the wiles of the Jews. Bribery and blackmail may well do the trick. The important thing is to keep the masses sedated. As long as the slaves are allowed to think they are in control and are made to enjoy their slavery, life will go on.


This quote by Aldous Huxley says it all:


“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

Anonymous ID: 64eb63 March 25, 2019, 8:17 a.m. No.5880961   🗄️.is đź”—kun

He knew them.


He heard the derision in their voices. He sensed their growing hate.


He felt the presence of deliberate unbelief, of crafty hypocrisy. He recognized them.


He met their malevolence head on and said:


“Heaven and earth may pass away, but My words will not pass away. Behold, your house, your nation, your religion is left unto you desolate. Forsaken. Cursed.”


And Yahushua, the anointed Messiah, turned and walked away.


But then He paused, just a moment, and with tears in His eyes, shook the dust from His feet.


Faced with malice, scorn and hatred, Yahushua knew precisely what the Jews, fighting against Him, were. He knew their origins. He said, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44, KJV)


Ye are of your father, the devil. No harsher words, aimed at any other group of people, are recorded in Scripture. Yahushua loved the Israelites! But it was precisely because He loved them, that He would not abandon them without adequately warning them of their origins and what was in their heart.


The truth is, the Israelites were the worst of the worst. It was for this reason the Saviour was sent to them! Had the Messiah been sent to others, they would have gladly received Him. Over and over again, the Bible records how the Saviour was accepted and welcomed by the Samaritans, the Syro-Phoenicians, the Greeks and even the Romans. After revealing His divine mission to the Israelites, Scripture records the sad statement: “After these things Yahushua walked in Galilee; for He would not want to walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill Him.” (John 7:1, KJV)


The very ones chosen to receive the Messiah, were the very ones who rejected Him and sought to kill Him.


As far back as Abraham, Satan knew through which lineage the Redeemer would come. Yahuwah promised the childless Abram: “In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3, KJV) This was a clear reference to the coming of the Promised One. Thus, Satan focused his vast intelligence and mightiest efforts to corrupting the lineage of Abraham even more than it already was as a result of the fall.


DISCLAIMER: There is no one race that can claim a higher level of righteousness than any other, by virtue of its lineage. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yah.” (Romans 3:23) Nor is any one race totally evil. The Jews are no exception. There are good people in every race and every religion; and there are bad people in every race and every religion. This article focuses on crypto-Jews: Jews that are united in a covert agenda to dominate the world. Some of these crypto-Jews are the descendants of Abraham and are Hebrews by blood. Others are not, although they call themselves Jews and are the first to play the race card, complaining of “anti-Semitism” to silence those who oppose their secret agenda for global control.

Anonymous ID: 64eb63 March 25, 2019, 8:30 a.m. No.5881095   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Who are the Jews? What makes them the “worst of the worst”?


Today’s Jews are:




Seed of the Serpent



When Yahushua was on earth, no other class opposed the Saviour as did the Pharisees, and no other class was as soundly denounced by Him for their man-made traditions, vain hypocrisy, and the hidden intents of their evil minds. The Pharisees covered themselves with the pleasing appearance of spiritual devotion, to the extent that even the disciples were deceived. The Saviour, however, clearly discerned the depths of depravity hiding under the pleasant exterior. He boldly declared: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are as graves which appear not, and the men that walk over them are not aware of them.” (Luke 11:44, KJV)


The Jews of today are the spiritual descendants of the Pharisees. This is no secret. The Jews themselves admit it:


With the destruction of the Temple (70 A.D.) the Sadducees disappeared altogether, leaving the regulation of all Jewish affairs in the hands of the Pharisees. Henceforth, Jewish life was regulated by the Pharisees; the whole history of Judaism was reconstructed from the Pharisaic point of view, and a new aspect was given to the Sanhedrin of the past. A new chain of tradition supplanted the older priestly tradition (Abot 1:1). Pharisaism shaped the character of Judaism and the life and thought of the Jew for all the future.1


A man’s religious beliefs shape his attitudes, opinions and actions. The Jews of today are inspired by the same spirit that actuated their ancestors: the spirit of Pharisaism.

Anonymous ID: 64eb63 March 25, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.5881114   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1140


Many of today’s “Jews” are not, in actuality, descendants of Abraham. Rather, they are Khazarian, “a Turkic people who originated in Central Asia.”2 They are of a completely different lineage, yet are frequently the first to cry “racism” whenever their goals or agendas are met with opposition. The “anti-Semitism” complaint has been used repeatedly by these Jews who are, themselves, not descended from Abraham, but nevertheless claim to be Jews.


In 1976, Harold Rosenthal, a Jewish administrative assistant to US Senator, Jacob Javits, gave an interview to Walter White, Jr., in which he was asked about the Khazarian ancestory of many of those who claim to be “Jewish.”


White said, “According to the latest scholarly research, your ancestors are not Israelites but Mongolians and Asiatics from Eastern Europe and Western Asia, so your ancestors were thousands of miles from the Holy Land. They never, ever saw the Holy Land - proving that your people were not the chosen people of God.”


“So what?” Rosenthal demanded. “What difference does it make?”


White responded: “We have been taught the big lie for many years that Jews are God's Chosen people, so it does make a difference. A very grave difference.”


Rosenthal appeared deliberately obtuse, asking, “What grave difference?”


White knew his history and laid the facts out plainly: “Does it not prove that the great majority of Jews today are Khazar in origin. Your ancestors never trod the lands where Christ walked. They never knew Jerusalem and Palestine so how could…”


Rosenthal interrupted, shouting, “What the hell difference does it make now?”3


This is the attitude of the crypto-Jews. (Rosenthal was killed under suspicious circumstances within a month of giving his very revealing interview.)


Benjamin H. Freedman, an influential Jew who recognized the wrongs committed by the crypto-Jews and sought to warn others, stated:


Relentless research established as equally true that the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe at no time in their history could be correctly regarded as the direct lineal descendants of the legendary "lost ten tribes" of Bible lore.The so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe in modern history cannot legitimately point to a single ancient ancestor who ever set even a foot on the soil of Palestine in the era of Bible history. Research also revealed that the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe were never "Semites", are not "Semites" now, nor can they ever be regarded as "Semites" at any future time by any stretch of the imagination. Exhaustive research also irrevocably rejects as a fantastic fabrication the generally accepted belief by Christians that the so-called or self-styled "Jews" in eastern Europe are the legendary "Chosen People" so very vocally publicized by the Christian clergy form their pulpits.4


It is interesting to note that, as the truth of the Khazarian origins of many of today’s Jews has become more widely known, there has been a growing attempt by the Jews to cover up the truth and deny the facts of history. However, Eran Elhaik, an Israeli molecular geneticist as well as Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher, soundly refuted such attempts to change history.


In “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” published in December [2012] in the online journal Genome Biology and Evolution, Elhaik says he has proved that Ashkenazi Jews’ roots lie in the Caucasus — a region at the border of Europe and Asia that lies between the Black and Caspian seas — not in the Middle East. They are descendants, he argues, of the Khazars, a Turkic people who lived in one of the largest medieval states in Eurasia and then migrated to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries.5


Elsewhere in his interview, Rosenthal boasted: ““Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing. It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers.”


The sheer arrogance of these people who claim special rights as “God’s Chosen” is mindboggling. Many of them are perfectly aware that they can claim no physical descent from Abraham, but as long as their personal quest for power is achieved, they do not care.

Anonymous ID: 64eb63 March 25, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.5881132   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Seed Of The Serpent

The Jews are the seed of the Serpent. Yahushua Himself called them: “Serpents! Brood of Vipers!” and asked, “How can you escape the condemnation of hell?” (See Matthew 23:33.) A “brood” of vipers. In other words, a family, a lineage, of dangerous, poisonous snakes. They are the “seed of the serpent” that did indeed bruise the heel of the Saviour. In doing this, they were cooperating with their father, Satan.


These facts should surprise no one. Yahushua could not have made the truth more clear. He flat out told them: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44, KJV) It is why Father Yahuwah sent His precious Son to be born of an Israelite mother: to reach and to save the lowest of the low.


This is the real reason for the Jewish contempt for all gentiles. Rosenthal stated: “You and we are so apart. You're another breed. You're not our kind. It's not secret that we do not respect you, and of your kind.”


The interviewer asked: “Are you referring to just our kind as 'Christians'?”


In reply, Rosenthal said, “No, you gentiles. All of you are our enemies.”