The biggest threat to America is our own “intelligence community” and police state - by far.
Trumps next excuse: After I’m muh re-elected?
The Queen of Justice
Correctomundo non-statist Patriot.
Winners dictate the terms, or give none.
By old scores, does she mean last week?
23 Vegas witnesses died after, then the bar shoot-up of more in LA.
Disarm the police if you want to prevent gun violence.
I’m not a fan at all.
Get rid of teachers unions and pay more would improve the quality of teachers dramatically, and gradually get rid of the libtard morons, who can’t compete.
Cops are the Enemy of the People. They need to be disarmed and gradually eliminated. There were hardly any police in the Republic.
If Congress were doing its job of issuing and managing the currency, they’d cause many fewer problems.
Outside the scope memos probably, and no evidence of such a crime became apparent during the investigation, so nothing to say.
Old Testament and pagan world principle.
The “intelligence community” and the police state are the biggest threats to liberty.
Yes, Trump is only an interim solution imo. Clean-up crew. We need a real constitutionalist in there after Trump.
If the demoncrats lose a few blacks, a few gays, a few Jews, a few Catholics, stick a fork in em.
Schultz is their best candidate imo.
If the demoncrat traitors were smart, they would have shut up and disappeared overseas after Jan 17. They aren’t. They’re arrogant fools who will hang themselves.
Retarded gift for a non-drinker. Duh!
Trust the Govt.
Because they don’t build or create anything.