Did the Narrative just change???…hmm..I think so…maybe we did this one???…Maybe change it back from Dems/Schiff/Nadler/Mueller/Barr report to CPL Avenatti??? I don't know why if that is really what happened but something changed the Narrative!!!
For those that have twitter but don't know how to xfer a video…use this http://twittervideodownloader.com/
copy link to tweet….paste onto downloader…save link into your file and now it is yours.
Avenatti new motto is M.A.G.A. == My.Ass.Got.Arrested…lol!!!
Would you call Avenatti adventures in practicing the wrong law…a TRUMP CURSE!!!
Have anyone seen the new "Dietz Nuts" commerical…
"Hey Chris..How Dietz Nutz Taste?" , "Are they Delicious?", "What a fun snack"…ROFL!!!