Anonymous ID: 423962 March 25, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.5885199   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For Biblefags re Wine (as revealed by Jesus turning water into wine)(Jack Kelley, gracethrufaith).


Jesus commanded unnamed servants to completely fill 6 (the number of man) jars that were stone, cold, and empty (a model of our unregenerate hearts; Ezek. 36:25-27) with water. In John 16:5-14 the Holy spirit is described as One who would not speak of himself, but only of Jesus. In fact the only name by which we know the Holy Spirit is actually His job description; Comforter (KJV) or Counselor (NIV). This title is derived from the Greek word parakletos, which can also be translated intercessor or advocate. These servants are a model of the Holy Spirit, Who accomplishes the work of regeneration in our hearts (Titus 3:4-7), filling us with Living Water (John 7:37-39).


The water, normally used for ceremonial cleansing, immediately turned to wine and so that which had formerly only temporarily cleansed a person from sin now became symbolic of the Blood of Jesus that washes us clean forever (Luke 22:20). The master of the banquet remarked that the bridegroom had saved the best till last signifying that the New Covenant that permanently cleanses us (represented by the wine), is far superior to the Old Covenant that only temporarily set aside our sins (represented by the water). Thus by this miracle Jesus truly did reveal His Glory and you can see why the disciples put their faith in Him.


For non-Biblefags: It is customary to present visiting dignitaries with gifts of local goods; Bibi offering POTUS some Israeli wine was probably more of a marketing scheme than a bible lesson.