Anonymous ID: 9381ab March 25, 2019, 1:39 p.m. No.5886736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6819 >>6850

Leaked Audio Exposes Oil & Gas Execs Laughing with Joy over Cozy Access to Trump Officials


"It's really a new world for us and very, very helpful," said powerful fossil fuel lobby group's CEO during closed-door meeting


A newly-leaked audio recording reveals that oil and gas executives in a private meeting were “giddy” with laughter in the summer of 2017 as they rejoiced over the “unprecedented access” they were being given to the highest levels of the Trump administration, boasting about their ability to have closed-door meetings with top officials and the ascendance of their own industry colleagues to some of the most powerful seats of government.


Among the topics in the recording, reports Reveal at the Center for Investigative Reporting—which was provided the audio—the oil and gas executives who belong to the Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) “are heard discussing David Bernhardt, now deputy secretary of the Interior and a former industry lobbyist.” Notably, Bernhardt—described by the executives in the recording as a close friend and industry operative—has now been nominated by President Trump to be the next Secretary of Interior, with his confirmation hearings scheduled for next week.


Lance Williams, a senior reporter for Reveal, detailed the contents of the recorded June 2017 meeting, which took place inside a Ritz-Carlton hotel conference room in Southern California, with an extensive piece for Politico‘s weekend magazine published Saturday. Williams said the “recording gives a rare look behind the curtain of an influential oil industry lobbying group” congratulating itself on their political fortunes under a friendly administration.


Williams reports:


Dan Naatz, the association’s political director, told the conference room audience of about 100 executives that Bernhardt’s new role meant their priorities would be heard at the highest levels of Interior.


“We know him very well, and we have direct access to him, have conversations with him about issues ranging from federal land access to endangered species, to a lot of issues,” Naatz said, according to an hourlong recording…


To a room full of laughter, IPAA’s CEO Barry Russell in the recording described one meeting with Scott Pruitt, the president’s EPA administrator at the time. What was expected to be a simple meet-and-greet, Russell explained, quickly became a friendly opportunity for the fellow industry insiders to provide Pruitt with a wish list for deregulation and agency rule changes. “What was really great is there was about four or five EPA staffers there, who were all like, ‘Write that down, write that down,’ all the way through this,” Russell stated. “And when we left, I said that was just our overview.”


Russell, with the room reportedly still laughing, subsequently bragged: “It’s really a new world for us and very, very helpful.”


Specifically, the IPAA and other allies were holding meetings during that period with the Interior Department, the EPA, and other agencies to reduce regulations on fracking, public lands restoration, methane restrictions, and species protection. From Politico:


At the meeting, the association’s leaders distributed a private “regulatory update” memo that detailed environmental laws and rules that it hoped to blunt or overturn. The group ultimately got its way on four of the five high-profile issues that topped its wish list.


Trump himself was a driving force behind deregulating the energy industry, ordering the government in 2017 to weed out federal rules “that unnecessarily encumber energy production.” In a 2017 order, Zinke called for his deputy secretary—Bernhardt—to make sure the department complied with Trump’s regulatory rollbacks.

Anonymous ID: 9381ab March 25, 2019, 1:40 p.m. No.5886765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7208 >>7398

Pentagon fails to deliver US strategy on Yemen


The Donald Trump administration has missed another congressional deadline to lay out the US strategy in Yemen, Al-Monitor has learned.


The US strategy in the four-year conflict has never been publicly articulated even as the Barack Obama and Trump administrations provided refueling and intelligence support. A reporting requirement was set out in last year’s defense authorization bill, which called on the Pentagon to detail specific US diplomatic and national security objectives and the costs of American involvement, including the controversial refueling mission terminated in November.


“The Department of Defense is working with Congress to provide the report," Pentagon spokesperson Rebecca Rebarich told Al-Monitor.


The failure to respond on time is likely to frustrate lawmakers in the wake of another legislative rebuke to US involvement. Last week, the Senate voted to curtail US war powers in Yemen, a move that would cut off American intelligence support to the Saudi-led coalition. After the United States stopped refueling coalition aircraft in November, the Pentagon has focused on providing intelligence support to the Saudi-led coalition and assisting with no-strike lists. A senior Pentagon official had pledged to deliver the strategy report at the beginning of March after failing to meet a Feb. 1 deadline mandated by law.


In recent months, the Trump administration has disregarded several certification requirements from Congress. In February, the State Department refused to say whether the Saudi-led force had reduced civilian casualties in the Yemeni conflict. And the White House failed to respond to lawmakers’ query about whether Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was responsible for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


The administration’s failure to check the king-in-waiting’s war in Yemen and Riyadh’s increasingly ambitious foreign policy has led Congress and experts to call for the White House to re-evaluate ties with Saudi Arabia.


“We know who this guy is, we know what he’s capable of, and treating him like he’s an ally or a reliable partner is totally untenable,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, a former US Agency for International Development director during the Obama administration.


In the absence of a formal declaration of strategy, US policy on Yemen remains unclear.


State Department officials — including special representative for Iran Brian Hook — have focused on Iranian support for the Houthis while showcasing weapons seized in Yemen that were allegedly smuggled into the country by Iran. Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis instead called for the United States to step up the pressure on Islamist groups and press for the UN-led effort to end the war.


Just days before leaving office in December, Mattis made a whirlwind round of calls to the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to help clinch a cease-fire deal in Stockholm to stave off famine. Since then, the Pentagon has continued to insist that the counterterrorism fight against al-Qaeda and the Islamic State is the top US priority in the conflict.

Anonymous ID: 9381ab March 25, 2019, 1:42 p.m. No.5886804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952

Now We Will Find Out If Trump Is Really The President Or Merely A Figurehead


Paul Craig Roberts


What can we conclude from the utter and total failure of the Russiagate “investigation” to find any evidence of “Russian collusion”?


We can conclude that it was a hoax cooked up by an utterly corrupt and immoral military/security complex determined to protect its $1,000 billion annual budget and the power that goes with it from the loss of its Russian enemy to normalized relations.


We can conclude that Hillary’s DNC was partner to this crime and that scum like Jarrold Nadler and Adam Schiff have destroyed the reputation and credibility of the Democratic Party.


We can conclude that the US media is devoid of all integrity, morality, and truthfulness and has forever discredited itself as a source of objective and accurate information.


We can conclude that a corrupt military/security complex and Democratic Party were so determined to serve their own narrow self-interests that they were willing to subject the entirety of the world to a higher risk of nuclear war.


We can conclude that the fact that such filth as Mueller, Brennan, Comey, Rosenstein, and Clapper were at the top of US intelligence and criminal investigation is conclusive proof that the US government is a criminal organization.


Keep in mind, as Tucker Carlson reminds us, that Mueller’s “investigation” was not a well-intentioned investigation conducted by open-minded people who turned out to be wrong. It was an organized witch-hunting event determined to destroy the President of the United States.


What will be the consequences of this failed act of high treason on the part of the Democratic Party, military/security complex, and presstitute media to falsely convict the duly elected President of the United States and remove him from office? Will President Trump be content with his enemies’ failure and move on, or will he hold them responsible for their criminal actions? Keep in mind that Mueller’s “investigation” was based on spy warrants obtained by deceiving the FISA court, which is a felony. Keep in mind that Mueller’s indictments of Manafort and Stone are far outside the designated scope of his investigation and have nothing whatsoever to do with Russiagate. This makes the convictions of Manafort and Stone illegitimate.


Where is Trump’s pardon of these illegitimately convicted Republicans?


If Trump fails to pardon the two victims of a hoax investigation, we will know that Trump is a coward with no integrity and moral conscience. It will prove him to be as despicable as his enemies.

Anonymous ID: 9381ab March 25, 2019, 1:51 p.m. No.5886973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6993 >>7011 >>7171 >>7178

Look at the Russia gate stuff but ignore:


Israel bombing Gaza

Israel trying to steal the Golan heights

Regime change in Venezuela, C_I M_6 MOS

Brazil selling of all it's public owned airports.

Israel taking over the world


NWO incoming just in a different manner.


Saudi +++ still in business despite arrests most released.

Rothschild++ state of Israel well look above

Soros + Europe is a fucking mess


This is reality.