Judicial Watch Tweet
6:30 PM - 25 Mar 2019
"Judicial Watch announced that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for all records of communications of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein between May 8 and May 17, 2017."
Embedded link: https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-sues-for-deputy-attorney-general-rod-rosensteins-communications-during-time-of-comey-firing-mueller-appointment/
New Tweet from JW but had previously been tweeted by JW last week. The significance of the dates referenced, May 8 and May 17, 2017, involves [RR] appointing Mueller on 17-May-2017. I'm not sure what JW is up to here but will be interesting to see of there might be a DECLAS event associated with these communications releases.
Donald Trump Jr.
6:39 PM - 25 Mar 2019
"Google Downplays Searches for News of No New Indictments in Mueller Probe."
Embedded link:
Google Downplays Searches for News of No New Indictments in Mueller Probe
Donald Trump Jr.
6:39 PM - 25 Mar 2019
"Leftist scam."
Embedded link:
The military has excellent photographers. Comey is a very high value asset to Q-Team and POTUS. Comey won't be getting of Scott Free, mind you, but he will likely receive just compensation for his complete cooperation. POTUS and Q have dozens of former Deep State actors lined up to testify publicly in court layout out the treasonous crimes they, HRC, BHO and the rest committed against the American people. The testimony of former DS actors like Comey will be invaluable to POTUS in his efforts to red pill the masses of brain-dead lefties, i.e. just one of many phases of THE GREAT AWAKENING.
New hannity tweet