So all the RR out\goodbye Mr Rosenstein Qposts were disinfo !? BOOM!!!!
Epic Kek Epic troll by POTUS &Q! I LOVE it.
Imagine how many hours were wasted/invested anticipating the firing of ((their guy))
They never thought, guy who signed FISA, who hired Mueller, who expanded the scope, who oversaw the investigation from the start…would sign off on NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION, ouch!
Remember how many times Q referenced RR's overwhelming confirmation by the swamp?
Imagine how trolled they were each time [RR] stuck around, only to have Q espouse his imminent departure again and again!
There must have been so much DS energy put into scenarios for the ‘eventuality' of his firing…red line typa shit, etc interference claims, etc etc etc…
In the end he was still there to, like Mueller, slap the swamp in the face with 'their own' hand which they thought they could be comfy holding onto. Kekkkkkkkkk