think BIGGER
duke gets nailed for falsifying data on gov funded research
just what do you think the Climate Change hoax research looks like? how much public money went into funding that?
think BIGGER
duke gets nailed for falsifying data on gov funded research
just what do you think the Climate Change hoax research looks like? how much public money went into funding that?
stop playing games
if you have dirt, spill it
or are anons supposed to say pretty pretty please?
people are being abused. people are dying. lives are being ruined.
pick your target and start dropping sauce. tell us some thing we dont already know, and is of use.
Q was on an epic run about r chandler. go for it
and once they're arrested, why would anyone need you?
if you know of crimes being committed, then put it out there. connect X with event Y. tell anons where the bodies are. what accounts are being used. what code words/symbols are used. how is money being moved. explain the meaning of event Z.
if you are unable or unwilling to do that, why are you here.