Q - if the MSM are the Deep State's greatest weapon and you're expecting them (or even allowing them) to report the truth it makes no sense - who wants to hear or see the truth reported by traitors? They should have been rounded up a long time ago instead of still being a part of the shit show. If you have the technology to induce heart attacks and you allowed these scumbags to continue traumatising and lying to humanity I don't know which side is which. Lie to the people zap - lie to the people zap and it would have all been over a long time ago!
Does anybody think 9/11 disclosure would have taken down the Deep State quicker than this yawnfest?
I'll ask again without expecting an answer - the MSM to an individual took part in the cover up of 9/11 and now some of them are being picked out to look like heroes - is that really what's happening?