There are so many important (existing but ignored) pieces of the puzzle that need to be put back into place to ensure our freedom going forward. One simple but essential piece is that our gov't enforce our anti-trust laws. Big tech is owning our asses. The media is now comprised of 5 mega companies. This is not okay!
If we could find a way to take the money of out politics (LOL) the rest would fall into place. But we'd still have the problem of the free-shitters having the same voting rights as the rest of us. That is a recipe for CERTAIN FAILURE and has been from day one. Worst part is it can't be undone, as outrageous and unjust as it is. No matter what else we fix, that will remain the ticking time bomb that is certain to detonate once the scales are tipped (we are much too close).
Nothing can change the trajectory that's now set in stone. Accept that fact because it's undeniable. It'll either be the free-shitters or the Fed Reserve but one or the other is going to result in failure of our nation. The only thing we can do is kick the can down the road as far as possible.
We need to address the fixable pieces - reduce the fed gov't, ensure our Constitutional rights are upheld by refusing to reauthorize unconstitutional laws, enforce anti-trust laws, enforce 10A (get the Fed govt' out of healthcare, gun laws, ditch civil rights laws that violate 1A, return education to the states, dust off beautiful and forever relevant laws such as the Communist Control Act and Sedition and Treason, and the list goes on.
The point is that we still have along way to go and we're gonna need to get busy or it'll never happen. It was a mistake to let Trump get away with signing the omnibus bill and we can't let that happen again. Start to get prepared for the next leg of this battle. It's coming. Or America's going.