>>>5890241 (You)
>Who keeps a check on Congress. What do you do when an entire party is corrupt?
That's exactly what you're dealing with. Only right now it's not the Democrats that are a danger to you it is the Republicans. I'm not saying the Democrats are not corrupt all parties are corrupt but Donald Trump would tear up your Constitution and install a totalitarian regime in a heartbeat, and the GOP would help him. That is how he's used to running his businesses. And you will suffer. He doesn't care about the regular guy. He cares about what benefits him. Everything beneficial has gone to the already wealthy and corporations. Because that is what helps him and his businesses. Yet he tells you that he's your champion and you believe him. You should open your eyes before it's too late. You're too caught up in this stupid conspiracy theory that trains you to believe that everything Trump is good and everything Democrat is bad. You will suffer for it. Your blind loyalty is going to be your downfall. Good luck