He's not. The resolution is 1) not law, nonbinding sense of Congress, BS, and 2) says Barr should follow the law when he releases the Mueller report.
Barr is going to do what he is going to do, please and noise from Congress being irrelevant.
He's not. The resolution is 1) not law, nonbinding sense of Congress, BS, and 2) says Barr should follow the law when he releases the Mueller report.
Barr is going to do what he is going to do, please and noise from Congress being irrelevant.
Good on you. Open eyes. You have to dig for yourself. Tough slogging, but if the issue matters, don't trust anything but the raw original source material. News is ALWAYS wrong. Internet commentators are wrong 99% of the time. Noise vastly dwarfs signal.
Typical BS news headline. Totally false. The 420-0 House resolution is non-binding opinion sense of the House. Pass or fail it neither blocks nor releases anything. Same for the measure in the Senate.
Don Le Mon