Which was traced to a hotel marketing firm in Boca Raton (still looking for that old sauce). The woman had same surname as McMuffin, but connection was eventually debunked by anons.
Surprised this hasn't been scrubbed yet:
Malicious Third Party Actors Faked Ties Between Russian Bank and Trump Tower
By S.Noble -
March 22, 2017
Free Beacon reporter, Adam Kredo told One America News that “It wasn’t very well reported,” but the Department of Justice revealed just last week that some of these ties between Trump Tower servers and Russian entities might have been “stooged”.
Russian Bank Asks DoJ Help Unmasking Malicious U.S. Actor
He’s referring to an article by Circa reported last week that Alfa Bank, a Russian state bank, asked the U.S. Justice Department for help in unmasking a computer inside the United States that has been making it appear as if a computer in Trump Tower has opened a backdoor channel between Moscow and President Trump.