Lady Justice's Sword
Lady Justice often carries a sword in one hand. The sword is a historical symbol of authority, wielded by kings, emperors and generals. It is therefore one of the earliest symbols for justice, as the power of a monarch could be delivered with a stroke of the sword. Additionally, the sword has an esteemed place in ceremony even today, as people who are knighted are touched upon the shoulders with a blade. Lady Justice's sword advances the concept that justice can be swift and final.
The Scales of Justice
The scales of justice date back to Egyptian times, where the god Anubis was invariably depicted with a set of scales to weigh a deceased person's soul against the Feather of Truth. The modern interpretation filters through the Enlightenment's focus on reason, as Lady Justice weighs the factors of a case to render a verdict. The scales imply a mechanistic, rational process; too much weight (evidence) on one side will cause the scales to tilt in favor of innocence or guilt.
Concept of Blind Justice
The blindfold she wears symbolizes the philosophy that justice should be rendered "without passion or prejudice." Considering only the facts on her scale, Lady Justice does not bother with letting emotional impressions of the accused enter into the implicit equation. All are fair before the facts of the case and the judgment of Justice. Not all depictions of Lady Justice feature the blindfold, however. The striking feature was only popularized in the late 15th century – but even after the blindfold's wide adoption by artists, certain cities and countries would depict Lady Justice without the blindfold: this was often done to urge judges to assess cases with their "eyes open" and pay mind to the individuals involved in addition to the letter of the law. Cities with older statues would also argue that Lady Justice's "maidenly form" already implied impartiality, refusing to update images to add blindfolds.