That is a good idea, to throw lots of redpills onto to craigslist( political section/personals)
It's anon friendly, and people can use yahoo emails for free ads,, if they don't want to be known by craigslist admin.
Had to throw in the wilford brimley diabeetus one for keks,
while researching the pictures in Hong Kong, i posted current time, of 4 51, am thursday. This was probably 1/2 hour after Q's pic, not sure,,( have to go double check exact time,, here is his post.
right now it is
2:55 AM
Friday, March 9, 2018 (GMT+8)
Time in Hong Kong
So be atleast anout hour to 2 hours, that something may go live here from Q regarding Snowden.
Time of post is 13:21
we are at 12:00
So 1 hour 21 mins until SNOWDEN TIME
Just noticed bread title was about love for our PlaneFags,, so here are some badges for them.
And adding the puzzle one. :)
We need to remind the Bernie supporters. Many of them were woke up, and were censored, blocked, facebook jail, banned, for speaking out about anything negative about Clinton. This happened for over a year. They cheated, and rigged, and screwed half the democratic party. Many of them still remember, and also remember the lying MSM who told lies about them, just as they do about Trump supporters.
Also many independents were awakened in 2016.
It was not about that, kek
they were against TPP, Against big banks,and corporations, they were against pharma, and MONSANTO, They believed in people being honest, good, not lying corrupt manipulators.
On race, gender,economic, social issues, ( because they have twisted and lied about the truth) Many people were misled, but they are not lost.
The 4-6 percent is going to be people who were on the full in, on the clinton side of the DNC, not people like Bernie supporters.And those brainwashed/ MK Ultra
They took away jobs, made people sick,, made college impossible for any normal person to go, without a lifetime of debt.
These are all things created by the cabal, ( yes state college used to almost free in this country, until greedy people got involved)
They should add a few extra years on to school( for free/affordable/not for profit) if you choose to) that focuses on job training skills, life skills, etc)
The education system is screwed, and needs lots of repair.
Bernie people were interested and supported many of the same things as Trump supporters, just it was behind a smokescreen of confusion by the cabal, using social issues to divide( when in reality, we would all agree if given the full truth)
Where We Go One, We go ALL,, they are not lost, fellow annon( they knew about Seth Rich, they knew about Clintons corruption, and the cheating, rigging)
If we can unite them with us, we will have an unstoppable army of red pilled warriors,,, and the MEDIA WOULD FREAK, if Bernie people and Trump people joined forces( i've said this for months,, before Q)
Why do you think Clinton lost? Bernie people did not / REFUSED to vote for that corrupt hag,, hence Bernie or Bust. Remember the coffins carried by Bernie supporters outside Dem convention, where they put up a wall, and used paid craigslist people to pretend to be delegates.
Bernie people were BIG TIME RED PILLED BACK IN 2016, JUST NEED TO WAKE THEM UP AGAIN. ( Many are here, and have been since the beginning)