>>5895210 LB
Can all those immunity deals be reversed if it was shown to be a corrupt -per-exoneration of HRC?
>>5895210 LB
Can all those immunity deals be reversed if it was shown to be a corrupt -per-exoneration of HRC?
15 months before June 2016 was the discovery of the Email server and lots of investigations on it.
HRC Server and Plat River Network Bleach bitting hard drives, 2 copies of Sever missing and probability also uploaded to the cloud to transfer, Podesta emails, DNC hack, June 2016 first FISA Denied already stories of tapping of Trump Tower, October FISA approved, release Podesta Emails, Crowdstrike, FBI exoneration HRC, FBI acknowledges Weiner Laptop, FBI clears HRC and Huma on laptop, Ellection, Senate Hearing on Russia interference in Election, Obama opens up NSA RAW data to all intel agencies, massive unmasking of USA citizens by Obama personnel most remember the rest.
Note Most election interference is based on donation money and promises.
That was not the author of the articles I posted above.
10 percent to a bail bondsman
Don't worry the 100 Russian Troops have flashlights.