the pages have a lot of highlights. please forgive. I get a little loose with the highlighter. But this is from the Book, Bill Graham and his Friends, by a Dr. Cathy Burns. Just scanned one page.
He was a catholic
the pages have a lot of highlights. please forgive. I get a little loose with the highlighter. But this is from the Book, Bill Graham and his Friends, by a Dr. Cathy Burns. Just scanned one page.
He was a catholic
Some more from my dig
Just some books I highly recommend that I have read or are in the process of reading.
another book, by Alexander Hislop "The Two Babylons explains how the Papacy IS the Babylonian worship. I'll see what more I can dig up for you guys.
#1. Ham-Cush-Nimrod
#2. The Beast and its number
*Note: Beast in the scriptures, analyzed back to the greek, is the world ruling system.
not a "he" rather, neuter-gender = an "it"