Anonymous ID: 285518 March 25, 2019, 10:50 p.m. No.5897911   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reposting from bottom of last bread for more exposure


March 25, 2019 Memo from Trump 2020 Campaign Comms Director Tim Murtaugh to TV producers urging them not to book certain Democrats on their shows following the Mueller findings.




To: Television Producers From: Tim Murtaugh Director of Communications, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.


Date: March 25, 2019


Regarding: Credibility of Certain Guests


As you know, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report found that no one associated with

President Donald J. Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia, despite repeated offers from

Russia-linked operatives. The Special Counsel also made no recommendation on obstruction,

which is a decision in itself. Using the information provided by Mueller, the Attorney General

and Deputy Attorney General determined that there was no obstruction. This is all the result of

the Special Counsel’s 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 500 witness interviews, 40 FBI

agents, 19 lawyers, and $25 million in taxpayer funds. The only way to interpret these

conclusions is as a total and complete vindication of President Trump.


The issuance of these definitive findings comes after two years of Democrat leaders and others

lying to the American people by vigorously and repeatedly claiming there was evidence of

collusion. They made many of these false claims, without evidence, on your airwaves.


The list of guests who made outlandish, false claims includes, but is not limited to:


• Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT): “The evidence is pretty clear that there was

collision between the Trump campaign and the Russians…” (MSNBC,“All In,”



• Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA): “I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion or

conspiracy in plain sight.” (“CBS This Morning,” 8/5/18)


• Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY): “There was obviously a lot of collusion. The question is

how high. Every day we – every day – every so often we get new information about

involvement.” (CNN,“Erin Burnett OutFront,” 10/27/17)


• Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA): “In our investigation, we saw strong evidence of

collusion.” (CNN,“Wolf,” 3/16/18)


• DNC Chairman Tom Perez: “And over the course of the last year we have seen, I

think, a mountain of evidence of collusion between the campaign and the Russians to

basically affect our democracy. ” (NBC,“Meet the Press,” 4/22/18)


• Former CIA Director John Brennan: “I called his behavior treasonous which is to

betray one's trust and to aiding and abet the enemy and I stand very much by that

claim.” (NBC, “Meet the Press,” 8/19/18)


Moving forward, we ask that you employ basic journalistic standards when booking such guests

to appear anywhere in your universe of productions. You should begin by asking the basic



“Does this guest warrant further appearances in our programming, given the

outrageous and unsupported claims made in the past?”


At a minimum, if these guests do reappear, you should replay the prior statements and challenge

them to provide the evidence which prompted them to make the wild claims in the first place.


The American people have been bombarded by these accusations, through the media, for two

long years. They have been told that their legitimately elected president had colluded with

Russia – a claim proven to be false. At this point, there must be introspection from the media

who facilitated the reckless statements and a serious evaluation of how such guests are

considered and handled in the future.