Anonymous ID: 72c705 March 25, 2019, 10:31 p.m. No.5897673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7694 >>7856 >>7995 >>8152 >>8188 >>8289 >>8321 >>8336 >>8338 >>8350

My interpretation of the keystone. I know it's us. I just came across a similar graphic (yeah I know, mine sucks) and when I saw this it all made perfect sense. So I recreated it with some additions (i.e.: Q, POTUS, Anons, Memes, Self Awareness). Shows how important we are and how important the memes are to the public reaching self awareness. Any graphicsfags wanna give it a go and make it better, have at it. Proud to serve with all y'all on the night shift!