Mathematicus ID: a5f35c Blind Justice or Same Old Double Standard for Israel? (Q3181) March 25, 2019, 10:43 p.m. No.5897835   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“BLIND JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW WILL RETURN TO OUR REPUBLIC”…………….ONLY when Israel and those who have betrayed the USA for Israel are held accountable……..ONLY when the same standard applied to Gentiles is applied to non-Gentiles.


MSM, Federal Reserve, Wall Street, Ivy League, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Senate, House, AIPAC, AMA. The statistical evidence of blatant subversion of ALL key USA institutions by a homogenous Caucasian group is irrefutable. USA Treason! USA Espionage! USA Subversion!


Why is there a DOUBLE STANDARD for Israel??? Trump has Balls, but does Trump have Balls Big Enough to stand up to Israel??? Trump: Prove it!!!





Embassy to Jerusalem?

Golan Heights recognition?


Did God give the “House of Israel” a free pass when they

committed evil? No – He punished them every time. Why then should the USA give the “House of Israel” a free pass? Why then should the USA support a corrupt and evil regime that has explicitly and intentionally subverted the USA?


Make America Great Again!!! Hold ALL traitors of the USA responsible, including the Treacherous “House of Israel” !!!


Trump: Prove that you really have Balls. Cut off aid to the criminal House of Israel. Put 9/11 criminal mastermind Netanyahu in GITMO for a USA Military Tribunal! Clean out key USA institutions that have ALL been subverted by the Treachery of the House of Israel.