Anonymous ID: d0616c March 25, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.5898219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8232 >>8326


You anons need to do some critical thinking and not just accept what Q posts as gospel. Case in point - the i-phone photo of "new" wall posted by POTUS on Jan11th and dated Oct 1/2018: It contains no geotag info I could find. Anne Coulter has been challenging the White House to provide latitude & longitude of the "new" wall being built. This is a reasonable request! So what is the problem? It's not a state secret. Invite her over, and tell her to bring a bottle of champagne to break on the masthead (or equivalent). This is a non-problem that could only result from the scheming of politicos and intel types. Got wall? Show me!