Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.5897733   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7749

This post and series of posts is a re-posting of a series of posts compiled into pics in order to take up less bread. The subject is: Weimar Republic, and it ties to Q’s sugestion for us to study nazism in order to understand the current state of affairs in the world.


“In America, the public is given zero information on the "Weimar Republic," the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the NationaI SociaIists in 1933.

This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world.

This thread will expose those secrets.”



You can find an archive of the posts on Weimar here:



The user who posted them was the guy with the id:



You can ctrl+f his id to see all his posts on the archive (which I compiled into the pics I am about to post, I am providing you with the archive so you can verify that I have not changed the information in any way).


NOTE: the original poster posted the thread in a chain of posts, but he forgot to chain one of the posts to the rest, this is why I gave you the id of the guy and told you ctrl+f it, that way you can follow the full chain and not miss any post, he did 23 posts on that bread and all are part of the chain of posts about the Weimar Republic.


Enjoy frens.

Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 10:41 p.m. No.5897801   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Archive links:

Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 11:07 p.m. No.5898125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196


I had over 2000 onetab links that I was thinking of archiving (low priority stuff), and I just realized some 30 minutes ago that lost all of them links when I decided to delet all my temp files to get some more space from my crowded HD yesterday.

>I never knew onetab saved the list on the temp folder

Oh well…

Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 11:20 p.m. No.5898256   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Jewish community centers are going to be a little less crowded once the Hasbara people get rounded up.


[00:00] While many groups and governments wish to censor the internet, Israel and its partisans are amongst the most globally significant. They work to promote the Israel narrative while blocking facts about Palestine, the Israel lobby and other subjects they wish to cover up.


[00:17] Much of this is done by devoted individuals acting independently, voluntarily and relentlessly. But many of these activists are part of orchestrated well funded projects sponsored by the Israeli government and other pro-Israel groups.


[00:30] They utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and seniors and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. As we’ll see, some even operate out of Jewish community centers in the US.


[00:43] One such group is the Israeli military’s New Media Desk.


[00:47] “It is well known now a days that what happens on FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube has great influence on events that occur on the ground. The Internet too is a battleground, it is thus comforting to learn that the IDF employ soldiers that tweet, share, like and more.”


[01:02] Another project initiated in 2011 by the National Union of Israeli Students has the stated goal of to deepen and expand hasbara, or state propaganda activities of students in the State of Israel. Under this program Israeli students are payed to quote: “lead the battle against hostile websites”.


[01:21] The students are tasked with what many would call shilling or trolling in online forums and social media. They are directed to create original content in the form of news reports and blogs, edit Wikipedia, inject pro-Israel messages into discussion on social media, as well as report and remove what they consider to be allegedly “anti-Semitic” content.


[01:42] Its important to note that criticism of Israel is not the same thing as anti-Semitism, despite Israel’s best effort to redefine the word.

Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 11:24 p.m. No.5898309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You created the new accounts with the same IP.

Get a VPN or Tor browser.

You might also need some different phone numbers, and you will need to use different emails.

Anonymous ID: eefa58 March 25, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.5898334   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The music man is going to have them all dancing in their way to gitmo, so their childish attempts at mockery are kind of funny in the sense that they have nothing but bullshit to throw at him, while he gets prepared to rip their heads off and shit down their necks.