You're a newfag, that's the problem. If you dont know the problem with not putting LB, go lurk more. You got me with it too faggot.
Broski. I've been on the chans for the last 10 to 15 years. You're a newfag, understand that.
If you want the honest answer why I called you a faggot for not putting it, myself is because I only use mobile for Q and when I click a reply without knowing it's from the previous bread, it opens a new link over the current one I'm on. Then I have to hit back which causes me to have to reload the whole damn page over again, causing me to lose my place, or send me to a previous reply I clicked on, completely fucking up what i was reading or doing. Learned something new today.
I feel like trumps gonna start popping the left off with a bunch of these little tidbits that have been like looked past or forgotten. Shit like using a libel lawsuit to go after the MSM, something youd never expect to bring down such a giant.
Gotta thicken that skin up my man. It's like ritual for someone who doesnt put pb to get flamed, called names, and told to lurk more. Were not really THAT mad, were just returning the favor in the form of words lol. Dont take any of it personal, but now ya know.