>>5900681 lb
Last Dem on Earth.
Has Anon connected Q's MAYday post with the Viking Cruise Ship yet?
Asking for a fren.
Like this?
No, that's not me.
No shit, Sherlock.
Not my meme.
In a stay-behind operation, a country places secret operatives or organizations in its own territory, for use in the event that an enemy occupies that territory. If this occurs, the operatives would then form the basis of a resistance movement or act as spies from behind enemy lines. Small-scale operations may cover discrete areas, but larger stay-behind operations envisage reacting to the conquest of entire countries.
So archive the vid and then embed it here.
>How in the very fuck are all these tech toys supposed to cost less than a fucking static steel/concrete wall?
It doesn't.
They want want the tech because they have a vested interest in the MIC that sells the tech.