Anonymous ID: 8e8ffa March 26, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.5901534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1627 >>2232


>me up. For two fucking years the Washington "insiders" and professional pundits were saying DJT was a Russian spy, getting impeached, spending his life in jail yadda yadda yadda.


Even I had my doubt about Mueller……. But now that we know that he was a "grey hat" we need to expand our thinking.


This mean that all this time Patriot where in control of the investigation. This mean that they where able to entrap ALL the MSN in this scandals. On the other hand on the Geopolitical scene now that this road block is lifted we can expect big happening. I don't know yet how the maestro is going to get us there but the Silent war with CHINA as to be made public…. Or won in silence. Make no mistake China influence as just grown 10 fold in Europe. We can see now very clearly the direction the EU is taking.


China if you did not know is a Giant with porcelain heel.The CCP is extremely fragile. No wonder even the most mundane criticism is crush with all the brutality we have come to known from weak tyrannical state. Financial and military pressure could topple the leadership of the CCP very quickly.


They are thoroughly fucked!

Anonymous ID: 8e8ffa March 26, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.5901613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1699



I don't know yet how the maestro is going to get us there but the Silent war with CHINA as to be made public…. Or won in silence. Make no mistake China influence as just grown 10 fold in Europe. We can see now very clearly the direction the EU is taking.


China if you did not know is a Giant with porcelain heel.The CCP is extremely fragile. No wonder even the most mundane criticism is crush with all the brutality we have come to known from weak tyrannical state. Financial and military pressure could topple the leadership of the CCP very quickly.


They are thoroughly fucked!

Anonymous ID: 8e8ffa March 26, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.5901691   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I do understand that Mueller is a piece of shit of epic proportion…. But you also have to understand that until 2 years ago the CABAL had almost total control of everything. No matter if Mueller decided to cooperate with the U1 scandal or not they would have found somebody else to do it. Same for the 911 clean up he was actively part of.


Maybe he took a lot of note during all those years…….