Maybe install a invisible fence along our border…if they come across once…inject a RFID in their neck…deport them…if they try again….they get ZAPPED when they get near the fence…just visualizing it makes me laugh…like training a dog!!! rofl…zap..zap..zap..
If Avenatti didn't do what he did…would we know about it…my guess NO…
The other Lawyers were there as backup just in case Avenatti would sudden develop a heart attack or some other disease!!!
You never know now-a-days when you are messing with someone else's money!!!
== Don't Declas the Mueller's Report..Here is what most likely to happen….The Democrats are still in their RESIST mode…they won't accept anything the report say…what they will do is cherrypick it apart looking for anything to prove their point even if it is taken out of context…what do you think they have been doing since the 2016 election…Ever hear the saying "That Dog won't Hunt"…doesn't matter what we do…They WILL RESIST!!!..
It probably is one of the Air Force (AF-1's) that POTUS going in for monthly maintenance or repair some red /'s hopefully it doesn't have any red X's in the logs or it will be grounded..
No one can escape totally…unless they build their own spaceship and quickly become a astronaut with someplace to go… are you going to escape a planet!!!..they can go into hiding..that is a different story…how many times have we caught them???
Damn, I keep having to filter him…he keeps showing up…I beginning to believe that this turd won't flush!!!