This is BS- they’re shutting down parking lots ahead of the rally yet say they expect 10k to 12k people? I don’t know the city that well and I’m sure I’m not the only one so where do we park and not get muggged or harassed going to/from the rally?
The immediate streets around the arena at 130 Fulton St. W will be closed starting at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, and until about 8:30 p.m. That includes:
Fulton Street West from Ottawa Avenue to Ionia Avenue;
Weston Street SW west of Ionia Avenue;
Oakes Street SW from Ottawa Avenue to Ionia Avenue;
Ottawa Avenue SW from Fulton Street to Oakes Street.
The Area 2 parking lot on Oakes Street SW and Area 3 lot on Ionia Avenue SW will be closed beginning at midnight Wednesday, March 27, through midnight Thursday. All access card-holders for the two lots will have access to the Louis Campau ramp on Monroe Avenue NW and McConnell Ionia lot on McConnell Street SW during that time.
Additional closed parking spaces include the metered parking at:
Ottawa Avenue NW between Oakes Street and Fulton Street;
Oakes Street SW between Grandville Avenue and Market Avenue;
Weston Street SW between Ottawa Avenue and Grandville Avenue;
Weston Street SW west of Ionia Avenue;
Parking lot at Fulton Street SW and Ionia Avenue.
Thursday’s 2020 campaign rally for Trump is expected to draw 10,000-12,000 attendees, according to city officials.