How can you only talk so viciously about the Jews….
" the Jews are nothing but a superstitious and superstitious people, who for a long time combine the dirtiest avarice with the superstitious superstition and the most superstitious hate against all peoples where they are tolerated and in which they enrich themselves."
" my uncle had to do with the most blessed Jews of Asia. They confessed to him that their ancestors were commanded to abhor all the other peoples. In fact, among all the people who have spoken of them, is not a single one who is not convinced of this truth, and hardly beats the Jewish books, so you find the evidence of it."
" the little Jewish nation dares to carry a superstitious hatred against all peoples, is always superstitious, always lustful according to the goods of others, crawling in misfortune, cheeky in happiness."
" just like the bani and armenians roam all Asia, and how the ISIS priests appear under the name gypsy to steal in the farms chickens and pledge true, this is how the Jews, this garbage, are everywhere where there is money to earn . But whether these circumcised of Israel, who sell the wild old pants, spend themselves for descendants of the tribe naphthali or isa gaggle is very unimportant, they are nevertheless the biggest villains who have ever sullied the earth's surface."
" you are amazed by the hatred and contempt that all nations have shown to the Jews. This is an amazing episode of your behavior. They always observe customs, which are in direct contrast with the existing social states; they have therefore been treated as a nation, which is contrary to all others; they serve this from avarice, despise them from fanaticism, consider usury as A Holy duty."
" they were all over the world according to the freedom letter and the privileges of their law and everywhere a horror for the same reason. […] The Huron, the Canadians, the iroquois were philosophers of humanity compared to the Israelites."
"[the Jews] are, all of them, born with a raging fanaticism in their hearts, just like the bretons and germanic with blond hair. I wouldn't be in the least amazed if this people one day would be deadly for the mankind."
" you [Jews] have surpassed all nations on outrageous fables, in bad behavior and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, because this is your destiny."
Voltaire (1694-1778)