Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.5906904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7045

>>5906796 (PB)


The Zion Don/MAGA riot shills are all about ZOG POTUS and Q being a misdirection to get people to ignore that what's being said and what's being done have only a passing acquaintance with one another.


I think they're right. Not necessarily because POTUS is some kind of Zionist stooge, but because from the beginning Q team has been throwing almost every conspiracy theory against the wall all together and saying they're mostly all part of the same thing, except the parts that are being focused on are things the average Conspiracy Joe Normie has no ability to directly impact- seriously, taking on people that have wealth in the Trillions, who can employ private armies and arm-twist Heads of State? Good luck with that and your tinfoil hat, Conspracy Joe.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.5907045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7137



To sum up:


1.) Elites care about their bloodlines/children above all else


2.) All of the Elites near the chopping block are either old as fuck, or second-rate jesters like Smollett and Aunt Becky


3.) Q has been dropped in front of anons with a 10,000 watt searchlight that promises to explain 80% of all conspiracies


4.) The elites like to do that predictive programming shit for whatever reason


5.) Some conspiracies frankly stretch credulity. Let's be honest about that; it's true. The idea that people would sell out their countrymen for large amounts of cash and a safe place to run to is generally more reasonable, shall we say, than the belief that well-known media personalities allow alien bloodworms to be implanted in their heads through their left eye so they can join the truly elite ruling cabal, as a for instance


6.) Some of the most reasonable of the conspiracy theories can fit into the same framework pretty easily, and are also confirmed by research from other areas of study- DUMBS, elite boltholes, Planet X etc. also fit with what we know about fluctuations in the Earth's climate over time and extinction events



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.5907137   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7173 >>7194 >>7245



What's my point? Great question.


Let's go back to entry 3 from the previous list- while Q talks about normie-friendly stuff that we know is real like political malfeasance and organized criminal activity, he also touched briefly in the past of some real whack-a-doodle shit that appeals to some of the more fringe conspiracy crowd- Satanic Ritual Abuse, occultism, human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc.


He's hit a lot of point sthat are sure to be emotionally triggering- kids, patriotism, justice, etc. This stuff makes people sit up and pay attention.


Meanwhile, he also keeps beating the "look over here, not over there" drum and talking about misdirection.


"These people are dumb"


We know that Q is often not talking to anons when he posts. Who is he talking to when he says things like this?


Meanwhile, anons are chasing their tails over pretty run-of-the-mill political injustice.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.5907194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7251 >>7321



So, what am I getting at? Let's just cut to the chase.


Q is absolutely a misdirection campaign aimed at "alternative truth researchers".


Why is Q team so obsessed with establishing their provenance, even as the main things they direct your attention to don't resolve? So you'll keep paying attention.


If it's real, you should keep watching. Bottom to top, right? Emotional catharsis is right around the corner, just stay tuned.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:36 p.m. No.5907321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7358 >>7378 >>7393 >>7437



What is Q team misdirecting from?


If I had to guess, adding up the factors I'm aware of that actually make a lick of goddamned sense, I'd say we're about to experience a major Earth change of some description. Comet, asteroid impact, bonus dose of cosmic rays that are going to lead to a CME, something like that.


The old Elites are doing a shuck-and-jive so you'll pay attention to them and not their kids. Their 2nd tier stooges are making the sacrifice with them, although they're probably not particularly clued into what's going to happen. Q team is keeping your eyes glued to a 2nd Gen TV so you don't go start a bunch of instability in the social fabric prior to the end.


Elites may be better eggs than we give them credit for. Maybe they're running a mop-up on organized crime prior to the event, just so these people don't try to become robber-barons of their own little kingdoms after the fact, bringing problems from the old world into the new.


Almost everything that is happening is pure sideshow. It's just that they know people won't all key to the same things, so that's why there's a variety of things to draw your attention, 99% of which are fucking retarded.


The gun grab, for instance, is unpracticable in realistic terms. America is huge, dick-deep in guns, and you can make a shitty gun with very little in the way of raw material. Just because it's not pretty like a Sig doesn't mean a pipe gun can't put a hole in you.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:40 p.m. No.5907393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7506



Why do the elites care about Israel if they're not real Jews? Why does le Donald care about Israel if it's full of Jews and he's not one, and also Israel is clearly a piece-of-shit country and a bad friend to boot? What does any of that shit have to do with chemtrails, and satanists, and trannies, and all the other stupid shit being shoved in your face to care about?


Well, Israel isn't far off from Egypt. Egypt is the country where the priests told I believe it was Solon that when the world gets fucky, that part of the world makes it better than some of the others. All right around that Mediterranean basin.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.5907506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7584



That other shit is party of the shuck-and-jive to keep potential agitators busy while the big guys with pips on their shoulders and fruit salad on their chests make some very unfun calls about how to preserve as much of what is as they can before the event.


It's not that the big boys want us to die like some of our autistic, antisocial anon friends are making out- some of them probably wish they could do more for the people who not only aren't prepared, but who are literally not capable of preparing. We're too embedded in some very fragile systems. What good is being a graphic designer, or let's be fair, even a hydraulic engineer if we're suddenly dropped back to the Dark Ages in practical terms? Even a "homesteader"- how many of those people who live "off the grid" are really prepared for everything to go offline, essentially forever, at least in terms of recovery during their theoretical lifetime? No more Amazon delivery of generator parts, no more mail-order seed catalog.



Anonymous ID: 21567c March 26, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.5907584   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Lots and lots of people are going to die. Some very well-prepared people are going to die because they're unlucky, and some very unprepared people are going to live because God loves them, or something.


A bunch of Government types, including chunks of the Legislature and Military are going to be able to make it for a while, theoretically, maybe, all things being equal or so we hope. A lot depends on where the thing hits with its Ground Zero effect, and what it is.


If it's a comet that smashes into Middle Mongolia, we'll have a 2 year winter and some very cool global temps for a few decades, but it might be mostly okay. If it's a water impact in the Gulf of Mexico, America at least and probably a good chunk of the rest of the world is going to be proper fucked.


If it's some more outlandish shit like the crust displacement shit doomers are always going on about, who the fuck knows. Some places may be kind of okay, and some places will literally be under the sea. Atlantis 2.0.

