The FISA target is for someone who has physical access to Trump during the transition phase, but before the inauguration. This means that there was a FISA warrant issued BEFORE the inauguration and that Yates was getting someone targeted to take Trump out with 25A. This is much sooner in the timeline than we were lead to believe.
Don Junior was the FISA target? He has physical access and the Veselnetskya meeting was the setup to get the warrant!
OK. So Trump is elected and they start setting up the transition. They set up Don Jr. to be the target of the FISA and used the meeting with Veselnetskya to meet with him under the pretext of the adoption of Russian kids. Because she was persona-no-grata, Lynch (or Yates) had to set up her visa to be allowed into the country, but they didn't tell the FISA court this. They said that Don Jr. Was meeting with a known Russian asset. With this, they started bugging the SCIF in an attempt to get dirt on Trump.
They would have needed to get Pence on board with a 25A action since he'd be next in line. This corresponds to the emails we saw between him and Ryan leading up to the election.
Wait a second.
If we rewind to 2015, it is about the time that Trump decides to run. Q is implying that there was a counter-intel operation siding with Trump early on and that there's been an on-going sting operation to catch bad actors.