FISA target isn't wearing a wire. FISA targets are supposed to be unaware they are being tracked.
Art of war. If we win, the history books will remember how the people beat Fake News and DS partners. The internet (in general) will be cited, but every individual person who finds a place that is reasonably accurate and fun to watch or participate is part of the story. Q is cultivating a hefty crop of free thinkers.
Couldn't start this line of inquiry while Mueller was active. Technically, a political calculation to belay until then. Before that, the Fake News would have ginned up public opposition. That ginning up can't happen now. The press is weak from being rope-a-doped.
Sheesh, that video is really over the top. Probably has some Streisand effect too, at which point the reader figures out the video producer is Fake Media.
That meeting was POTUS, via "unamed person", enlisting and guiding Nunes in Congressional investigation. Much if not most of the hard facts, so far, have come from Congressional investigators.
Good theory. And Cohen could have been the FISA target, what with the dossier placing him in Prague.