And Now It’s Trump’s Turn
"He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not will be victorious." Sun Tzu
Expect action on multiple fronts.
The FISA Warrants
What will the declassified FISA warrants tell us:
The extent to which the FBI/DOJ went to hide the Clinton origin of the information and the lack of credibility of the dossier author Christopher Steele.
The extent to which information the FBI/DOJ knew was false or unsubstantiated was used to justify spying on Carter Page and the Trump campaign.
The extent to which exculpatory information the FBI had was illegally kept out of the warrants.
The extent to which other governments were involved in the effort to spy on the Trump campaign. For example, The Telegraph reported last November that British MI6 spy chiefs “have ‘genuine concern’ about sources being exposed if classified parts of the wiretap request were made public.” Revealing the British role could prove quite embarrassing. How high did the (dare I use the word) collusion with these foreign governments go?
The Second DOJ Inspector General Report
It’s time for DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz to drop his second major report on the FBI/DOJ shenanigans during and after the 2016 election. The first laid out the shady handling of the Clinton Email Server investigation. This one deals with the birth and execution of the Trump-Russia investigation.
Horowitz said just last week his investigation is continuing.
In addition to the FISA abuse in the Carter Page case, Horowitz is believed to be examining, among other things:
The FBI’s broad misuse of the FISA system.
The relationship between DOJ/FBI and dossier creator Christopher Steele.
Their relationship with Fusion GPS.
Their relationship with the FISA courts. (For example, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok discussed having a dinner party with Strzok friend Rudolph Contreras, after Contreras was appointed a FISA judge. Contreras would end up being one of the judges who signed off on the FISA warrants. He also ended up the judge in the Michael Flynn case before being suddenly removed with no explanation given.)
The impact of political bias in the launching of the FBI counter-intelligence probes.
The persistent leaking by DOJ/FBI personnel.
The potentially criminal actions of such figures as Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Sally Yates and James Baker.
Take something relatively simple: Andrew McCabe reportedly told associates “First we f Michael Flynn. Then we f Trump.” Comey boasted that Flynn was not treated the way interviews with White House personnel were normally treated. (So much for Obama’s call for doing things “by the book.”) Peter Strzok and a fellow agent, who actually did the interview, didn’t think Flynn lied. So how does he end up getting charged by Mueller with lying? Where are the original 302s?
While we’re on the subject: How did Michael Flynn’s name get unmasked? His conversation with the Russian ambassador was recorded. Americans caught in taps aren’t supposed to be identified.
Horowitz has about 470 lawyers and investigators at his disposal. By comparison, Mueller had about 60. This is a massive undertaking. So when will we see the report? Originally, it was supposed to be shortly after the IG report on the Hillary investigation. But that was a year ago.
Any criminal referrals that Horowitz has come up with have been going to U.S. Attorney John Huber in Utah.
U.S. Attorney John Huber
Last March, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a startling announcement. He revealed he had assigned longtime federal prosecutor John Huber to help prosecute cases arising out of Horowitz’s investigation. In fact, Huber had already been on the task for four months.
What’s Huber been doing the past year and a half? No one seems to know. Sara Carter worries Huber might have been named by Sessions just to avoid having to name a second special counsel, and really isn’t doing anything. Huber was scheduled to speak to House Oversight committee in December, but backed out.
However, legal expert Jonathan Turley thought the appointment of Huber could be a “brilliant move.” Turley told Fox Business News, “What he did is he essentially combined the powers of the inspector general with the powers of a line prosecutor.” So why Huber? Huber’s out in Utah. In other words, far away from the Swamp in fly-over country.
As Breitbart put it:
As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution.