Dear Q,
I’ve been working non-stop and haven’t had much time to eat today so my work might be a little "all-over-place". Please take this theory with a grain of salt. I believe I’ve solved the "[comb your hair]” mystery from Q post #873. "THINK MIRROR.” A photo has just emerged showing @SNOWDEN sporting what appears to be a somewhat problematic cowlick. “Chatter just SPIKED,” cited from Q post #588 may be referring to the Tesla-Coil like reaction Q has on @SNOWDEN’s hair while being watched live. Then, after carefully studying the “@“ symbol under a magnifying glass, I noticed a similar pattern emerging out of @Snoden's enormous cowlick. I believe the “@“ symbol was added to his name later for the purpose of “mapping” the direction of the swirl in the same way that a fingerprint can be linked to the individual. "No coincidences." The fact that it was difficult to hunt him down in the picture Q posted of that busy, Hong Kong intersection was a direct result of pixel-blur which tends to happen when hi-resolution cameras are directed at spiky, acoustic tips. “Find the KEY.” Could the “Key” be hair gel? Expand your thinking. “@Snoden, How’s Russia?” from Q post #601. Think gulag. Think humiliated by spiked haircut. Think stalagmites. Think ‘STALAG’-‘MITES'. Think cow literally licking his head. “Was it worth it?” “We see you live.” The fact that in post #873 @SNOWDEN is NOT in the killbox but his [cowlick] IS, demonstrates a tremendous restraint on the part of Q towards this individual.
Am I on the right track or should I get some sleep and start fresh in the morning?
2018 is going to be GLORIOUS!
God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America.